[DNS] Time for the rules to change regardingtransferringdomainname licences

[DNS] Time for the rules to change regardingtransferringdomainname licences

From: Deus Ex Machina <vicc§cia.com.au>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 09:35:08 +1000
Sean Finn [sean.finn&#167;ozservers.com.au] wrote:

> How does this benefit the users of .au., not the providers of .au ?

this just highlights the flaw in the current board system. everytime the
registrars make a suggestion on how to improve the name space we
get accused of "lining our pockets with gold".

yet there is nobody on the "demand" side of the board that will stick up for
commercial interests, its basically left up to registrars to defend the real
users of the name space. and registrars of course cant make any suggestion because
we would be "lining our pockets with gold".

Received on Sat Sep 24 2005 - 23:35:08 UTC

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