[DNS] Time for the rules to changeregardingtransferringdomainname licences

[DNS] Time for the rules to changeregardingtransferringdomainname licences

From: Dassa <dassa§dhs.org>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 12:54:10 +1000
|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: dns-bounces+dassa=dhs.org&#167;dotau.org 
|> [mailto:dns-bounces+dassa=dhs.org&#167;dotau.org] On Behalf Of 
|> Deus Ex Machina
|> Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2005 11:15 AM
|> To: .au DNS Discussion List
|> Subject: Re: [DNS] Time for the rules to 
|> changeregardingtransferringdomainname licences
|> Dassa [dassa&#167;dhs.org] wrote:
|> > 
|> > The .au namespace isn't all a commercial space and even if some 
|> > sections are devoted to commercial use, doesn't make them 
|> a business 
|> > commodity for people to profit from.  It is all a public 
|> resource and 
|> > as such, should be overseen to benefit the public.
|> and I think hobbyists and other self anointed figures are 
|> the last people on earth that should represent the public.

You are implying I'm a hobbyist, I'm afraid that is far from the full truth.
However, hobbyists have a valid right to express their opinions and attempt to
influence AuDA, just like you are attempting to do.
|> > Having an understanding of business doesn't mean that 
|> there is a good 
|> > understanding of the public requirements, often the reverse.
|> and being a self appointed public advocate does? NOT.

Who is a self appointed public advocate?  Me, you, everyone who disagrees with
you?  I wear a lot of hats myself even that one on occasion, doesn't mean it
is the only label I have put on me, nor do labels detract from what I have to

|> > But since those calling for change wish to have "empirical 
|> data", let 
|> > them provide the data that shows changes would be to the 
|> public benefit.
|> simple exercise, I offer you $1m for a domain you own 
|> because I have a better use for it. how many people do you 
|> think will consider against the public interest to sell it?  
|> none. you dont need empirical data to see very clearly that 
|> you dont have an case, just a bunch of personal opinions.

How is it to the public benefit to show that greed rules a lot of people.  The
idea of having rules to protect the public is to minimise the impact of the
negative base instincts within people.  Your example above shows good reasons
for there not to be change.

|> there are no good arguments for the prohibition of secondary 
|> markets. I dont benefit one jot when a customer sells a 
|> name, I still only get my registrar fees. so get off your 
|> high horses.

There may be good reasons for allowing secondary markets, I haven't seen them
as yet.  Having an open market in itself isn't a reason, nor is allowing
people to make profits a reason, whoever makes the profit.

|> all this talk of "public good" is really just expression of 
|> personal bias.

No, you just wish it was, it is no more personal bias than your own opinions.

|> the hobbyist positions on the board should be removed, I 
|> have no idea why we allow a bunch of hobbyists on the board, 
|> perticularly when they repeatedly display anti-commercial 
|> bias towards the .com.au namespace.

So, anyone who doesn't support your business interests should be removed from
AuDA in your opinion.  Anyone who doesn't support your commercial interests in
the namespace shouldn't be allowed to have a voice.  Very democratic of you.
Fortunately commercial interests are not the only voice being heard within

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch 
Received on Sat Sep 24 2005 - 02:54:10 UTC

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