RE: [DNS] Can auDA Directors remove a Director?

RE: [DNS] Can auDA Directors remove a Director?

From: Adam Todd <auda§>
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2002 22:45:24 +1000
At 21:33 8/07/02 +1000, you wrote:
> > I did NOT realise that the DIRECTORS of auDA were NOT MEMBERS of auDA.
>They don't have to be.  If the members of auDA choose to elect someone who
>isn't a member of auDA to represent them on the board, that's the member's

This is TOTALLY correct!  However, as far as I'm aware and can see by 
research, this is not the case.  ALL Directors of auDA are Members of auDA.

I may be wrong, but it's a tad hard to see the individual names behind 
company names on the members list.  Maybe it's time for a proper 
"disclosure" to be published.

After all, isn't auDA suppose to be a PUBLIC INTEREST company?

>There have been elected directors in the past who weren't auDA
>members.  I have no idea if the current ones are or not.


>The fact remains that members have the authority to initiate a process of
>removal of a director; directors don't (while acting as a director).

Not entirely correct, but I won't argue that for the time being.  We'll get 
way too deep in case law that ultimately, although applicable to the 
argument, is not applicable to the benefits of auDA's future.

>Unless of course there's some other part of the corporations law that 
>covers this - it sure 'ain't my area of expertise.

I think the point I'm making is this:

1.  Those making unhappy noise about auDA are NOT members; or
2.  Those making unhappy noise about auDA are members and really don't care.

Further to 1, as the process is not one of public collaboration and input, 
they should make their noise by JOINING auDA and using the auDA 
Constitution and Corporations Law to effect the change they want.

Further to 2, if they don't care, why are they complaining, why did they 
elect or allow to be elected scum bags, or why don't they just use 
Corporations Law to eject the unwanted Director?

[ There is more to follow on this thread, I hope it eventually gets to 
where I have predicted it will end.  Lets see who picks up on the points 
and who acts more than they speak. ]

BTW is anyone wishes to nominate me as a Director of auDA, I'd be happy to 
take up a role, provided I do not have to become a Member.
Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC

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