[DNS] FW: Geographic .COM.AU names

[DNS] FW: Geographic .COM.AU names

From: Marty Drill - Domain Candy <marty§domaincandy.com.au>
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 12:38:10 +1000
>>So, has anyone who was sent this email contacted auDA and passed on this

Hi David

Yes, I have emailed auDA to ask if they have concerns about this situation.
Like many on this list, I received the email from Nic, which I haven't
responded to, as any correspondence with Nic would legitimise what I believe
is an action that smacks of opportunism and squatting.

Members of the community raised concerns about this process (eg Margaret
River) and the industry acknowledged that the ballot process was the fairest
system available (which I agree with). To find out at this point in the
process that there are 2 entities (see earlier thread) that have secured
some of the most well-known names in the country, suggests that the process
was somehow taken advantage of, despite the efforts of the industry to limit
opportunities for scammers. What is worse, is that members of the industry
were then contacted by unsolicited email seeking their interest in
"partnering" in the development of the very domains secured in this process
that was designed to be fair.

Received on Sun Sep 11 2005 - 02:38:10 UTC

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