Re: [DNS] New 2LDs & whois data.

Re: [DNS] New 2LDs & whois data.

From: Michael-Pappas <auda§>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 13:58:49 +1000 (EST)
> On Tue, Jul 09, 2002, Michael-Pappas wrote:
>> With the correlation domains they an affectively protect and market
>> safely on only two.
>> .info & actually reducing cost.
>> People will not feel forced to purchase all names..
> Well, they are.

Which is exactally what I was getting at, you just took that out of
context and commented on it... I was saying they get mail outs, marketing
scams and are constantly pressured into purchasing domains that have no
real use to them.
There is a real value in protecting your name in both the and .com
space or as it may be .net and
People forget to put in the .au or add it... what if our competition had
it... then what... what if you sent an email to the .com instead of the and they own the, do you know if you are getting all the
leads that you are being sent. What if that email was potentially worth
$100K for a years contract...
I suppose on the plus side you may never know... so what you don't know
can't hurt you right.. ???
> Remember - in the US there's no real _requirement_ for a domain name
> besides a credit card and a valid nameserver (and thats not always
> needed!). In Australia there are at least requirements you must meet
> before
> you are eligible to obtain a domain name.

Really this is besides that fact about name protection here in .au,
weather they are restricted or open the same people would be registering
them as they are business.
It may have stopped the squatters though... but that's a whole another
ball game.

Received on Fri Oct 03 2003 - 00:00:00 UTC

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