RE: [DNS] Where to find?

RE: [DNS] Where to find?

From: C.L <cyrille.lefevre§>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 12:00:11 +1000
Trying to be funny David ?

Well, I don't know about your contributions lately, but i know that i am
trying to infom the public , and yes get rid of the scammers by any way
necessary ( i don't remember you standing out for anything at all for
example ).
Because I am not the sort of person you believe i am, I just informed Kim
Davies about the breach so they can fix it.
Yes, i had access to the auction results, and yes like Mr Grumpy i know lots
of stuff you will probably never know yourself ( that is the difference
between being "actively passionate and interested in security/privacy
issues"(me) and "passively boring , trying to make a point"(you) ) . It's
all fun until someone loses an eye, sure we had a bit of fun with and and whatever, but it's over now.
I am certainly not going to publish the results to the list , or send them
to anybody ( guys stop sending me fan mail asking to be my friend and asking
for the auction results ).

The matter is now in auDA's hands.
Let's see how long it takes for them to fix it.


-----Original Message-----
From: David G Thompson [mailto:dgt&#167;]
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 5:04 AM
To: dns&#167;
Subject: Re: [DNS] Where to find?

Ginger <insert your own peurile non-de-plume> Fish and / or Mr <insert
your own silly non-de-emot'er>,

You both are tragically sad cases, I am sorry to conclude, whose grip on
the basic issues under consideration here is tenuous if not non
existant. Your combined offerings to this list amount to date are little
more than demented musings written in the styles of say:

- Alan Ginsberg (on a worse than usual LSD trip) or
- Dylan Thomas (on a worse than usually drunken day) or
- Minister Alston (on a exceptionally good day)

for argument's sake.

I have in fact toally run out of patience with your intellectually and
ethically bankrupt techniques that include but are not limited to:

running Kangaroo court's that attempt to, via this list and other fora,
crucify DNS industry participtants on trumped up charges;
damning auDA on a wide range of exceedingly dubious charges; via this
list and other fora.

A mail filter now exits on my e-mail browser to avoid me having to deal
with this tripe. Other list subscribers might gain some small
satisfaction in knowing that upon the aformentioning mail filter being
run (that is to say a Ginger and or Grumpy mail has been found and
quickly transferred to trash) a soundbite made up of:

1.  Roger Daltrey's scream lifted from 'Won't get fooled again' followed by
2.  the sounds of porcine mastication,

fires off ... ahh it went off not so long ago

 From the Cupertino hottub


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