RE: [DNS] US "outlaws" cybersquatting

RE: [DNS] US "outlaws" cybersquatting

From: Mark Hughes <effectivebusiness§>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 21:56:26 +1000
> the US situation is different. In the US bills are a politcal
> statement by individual members of the legislature and are
> introduced by them, few pass, most are amended and some might
> be rejected by the Head of State, the President, despite
> Congressional support.

And a rare few bills have such strong Congressional support that they
are passed into law even though they may be rejected by the President

Regards, Mark

Mark Hughes
Effective Business Applications Pty Ltd
61 4 1374 3959
Received on Tue Aug 10 1999 - 20:10:20 UTC

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