DNS: Re: INET: Acronymically Impaired Correspondents

DNS: Re: INET: Acronymically Impaired Correspondents

From: Paul Brooks <pbrooks§gsl.net>
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 13:01:18 +1000
> For the acronymically impaired the DNA I referred to when asking
> for information in an earlier post, relates to Domain Name Administration.

Ah - that explains it - there are many misunderstandings that arise 
from the use of TLAs. Now if you had used an ETLA, and asked for 
information on DNSA (Domain Name System Administration), everyone 
would have been able to help!

- and yes, I know this is getting silly, so I'll also mention the 
O'Reilly & Assoc. book "TCP/IP Network Administration"
(ISBN 0-937175-82-X) has a chapter on it, and they also have a
whole book on DNS and BIND, which I don't have the ISBN for, but is 
very good.

Dr Paul Brooks (PB94)     | Lvl 11, 45 Clarence St. Sydney NSW 2000
Internet Engineering      | Ph. +61 2 290 9000   Fax. +61 2 290 9092
Global One Communications | Paul.Brooks&#167;Global-One.net
Sydney, Australia         | pbrooks&#167;gsl.net
Received on Wed Nov 20 1996 - 14:30:46 UTC

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